Hi, I'm Jason. This is my website.
Have a look around.

I have a portfolio if you want to skip to it

I love user centered design.


I started building stuff for the web when that was still cool - when no one was really doing it. It was all about delivering a badass solution. Now it's all about building things for people. Falling in love with the problem. Asking people how they feel about the problems they have and constantly checking to see if I'm getting any closer to helping. 


Product and Service Design

Build to Learn  -  Build to Think  -  Build to Test

I'm passionate about using design thinking, lean startup, agile and other user centered design techniques to make things that people love. I believe in designing with users instead of for users.

photo credit: Nicole Barron

photo credit: Nicole Barron

Teaching User Centeredness

I love teaching - speaking in public about design, design thinking, lean startup. I love getting up in front of people and sharing my thoughts and ideas. Creating workshops and bootcamps - new ways of teaching.

Play the Nickname Game

I'm a big fan of Stokes. Stokes are a great way to boost energy and have fun. Here is one I made based off of an example from the book "Creative Confidence". 

Check out a Framework I made up...

..at least I think I did. If I didn't please let me know.   :)
Check it out on Medium.